Monday, March 26, 2012


salam blogger..

actually tgh countdown day nie..
another few days one big event would be happening in my Uni.

im one of committe members on this program..
i responsible in publicity..
omg very difficult to take that position..
many plan i must setup to this publicity..

all this type i must plan and make sure this program would be publish to promotion..

i started earlier for this program..

lastly i must make sure this program would be on in televisyen...
very hard to find media to accepted n proceed..
lastly i get cooperation with RTM..
hmmm this is last option i get..
thje first i want tv3 or tv9..
but i cannot get..

but alhamdulillah still get media to cover this program..
thx RTM to support..

but have another discussion each other to planning..

a few days this program would be started..

this story would be continue

waiting ok!

happy ^_^


thank you for someone to send this present

this not to my birthday because my birthday on sept

hihi but this just a way to we keep in touch together in long distance

this present make me smile


the most important he give me chocolate that i'm lovin it.hihi
actually nk ice cream but confirm not logic to send from sarawak to terengganu right..hahah
pape pown tq again the present..

see my pic muka kegembiraan lepas dapat chocolate..hahah
tq awak..


If you truly love something, give it a chance to fail.
If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever.
Distance is the test, distance is the proof.
Forever will we love, if this distance we survive!


selamat pergi dan selamat pulang


chewahhh baik lak arini..hihi

actually this post about my parents
thank god because them once again be able to do umrah

this time they do the ziarah umrah that going turki to visit..
sgt2 syiokkk

hopefully their fine and can do the umrah and acceptance


to my beloved parent,
sowie anakmu xdapat hantar dan peluk cium before mama dan abah berangkat
dari jauh anakmu berdoa semoga mama dan abah sihat walafiat dan dapat menunaikan umrah dengan sempurna..aminn

mohon kepada ayahanda dan bonda memanjatkan doa anakmu disana supaya mendapat keberkatan.
doakan kejayaan anakmu,
doakan anakmu diberi peluang untuk kesana suatu hari nanti dengan hati yg bersedia.

this picture take after my parent going umrah with vacation at cairo..

this time going turki then umrah
alhamdulillah rezeki dari keluarga kami..

esok hari perjalanan ayahanda dan bonda bermula dari kuala lumpur>>singapura>>turki>>madinah>>makkah

semoga perjalanan lancar dan my parents sihat walafiat untuk menunaikan umrah..aminnn

i will be miss them so much..

this pict take from google..
hopefully i will be take this pict with my camera..
this mean is a one of my dream to going to this place..

mama dan abah doakan anakmu akan sampi disini suatu hari nanti dengan membawa satu keluarga nanti..

p/s: hati tgh syahdu sb lagi berapa jam mama dan abah akan berangkat..sob3;(

ya allah kuatkan hati hambamu ini,
permudahkanlah urusan hambamu dalam menunaikan kewajipan kepadamu..
berikan kesihatan, kekuatan kepada mereka di tempat mu..